Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Few Guidelines

I should let you know a few of my guidelines.

I do not feature anyone who asks to. Or sends me a superficial "Omg ur following me, hope I don't end up on ur list ;) ;)".
I do not feature the same person more than once. That's just downright mean!

In response to direct messages on twitter: I do not respond to them. You can submit links, but if they are no in original format- don't bother. I will not open any tinyurls or other variants.

Thanks to everyone who has submitted ugly shit. Etsy is a vast, disgusting pustule of ugly shit, I can not possibly find everything on there myself.

1 comment:

traveler said...

wow, someone's smart.
a tiny url is not something users create on twitter. Twitter automatically (did you catch that??), that's right, automatically changes urls into tiny urls to compact everything.